Where are you from and what did you study in school?
Jeremy: I live in Wentzville, MO and I studied Organizational Management.
What jobs did you have before working with UE Systems?
Jeremy: I served 8 years in the United States Air Force
Do you have any movie or TV show recommendations?
Jeremy: Turn off the TV and go outside!
What do you like to do in your free time?
Jeremy: I’m an avid outdoorsman, I enjoy hunting and fishing and managing an outdoor YouTube channel.
What was your first impression of the maintenance & reliability community?
Jeremy: It’s full of knowledgeable and hard-working people who are a tight-knit community.
What’s surprised you most about what you could do with ultrasound technology?
Jeremy: Remote monitoring and lubricating bearings from anywhere in the world using the OnTrak system.
Where is your favorite place you have traveled while working with UE Systems?
Jeremy: My favorite trip was spending time on the East and West Coasts of Australia
Cake or Pie?
Jeremy: Peach Pie
If you could snap your fingers and become an expert in something, what would it be?
Jeremy: Probably the stock market or real estate investments
What is the best piece of advice you have received?
Jeremy: “Use your head, think what you’re doing” simple advice my dad always gave me to think about the consequences of my decisions. I still say it to myself daily!