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FLIR Announces Business and Technology Partnership with UE Systems for Acoustic Imaging Condition Monitoring and Energy Conservation

 Agreement Enables UE Systems and FLIR to Scale Ultrasonic Imaging Solutions for Manufacturing, Utility, and Processing Industries HUDSON, N.H., & Elmsford, N.Y. – May 13, 2024 – FLIR, part of Teledyne Technologies, and UE Systems, a world leader in…

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Detecting Partial Discharges Is Now Easier Than Ever: The Power of Ultrasound Cameras

by Robin Marcinkus, UE Systems, Inc. Partial Discharges are a very serious problem. When electrical equipment fails, it can cause large periods of unplanned downtime and even be a life-threatening hazard to the personnel working at an industrial facility. Typical…

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Finding Low Level Leaks in Heat Exchangers

Challenge: A manufacturer of heat exchangers was confronted with a problem.  The exchanger had to be delivered without leaks that would create production problems for the customer. The need to find all types of leaks, including low level leaks was…

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An Emergency Request For A Steam Trap Testing Audit

Challenge: Customer complained of high back pressure in their condensate system. He believed that the problem was failed steam traps. Solution: Bruce tested the 250 steam traps and found a failure rate of 23 percent. Around each steam trap was…

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Setting up a Compressed Air Leak Program for Phelps Dodge

Challenge: With facilities in North America, South America and Europe, the need to reduce the impact of rising energy costs, key personnel participated in US Department of Energy sponsored seminars for the Compressed Air Challenge. The US Department of Energy…

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Small Compressed Air Leaks Mean Big Problems

Challenge: A plant in Kansas was losing significant dollars in energy loss and in compressors running over the course of the past three years. They were running as many as 4-500 CFM compressors at one time to keep up with…

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“Something for Nothing” hits pay dirt!

Challenge: During a scheduled inspection of a facility for a major food processor a number of deficiencies were identified and documented including  one ultrasonic class problem within a 12,470 VAC safety disconnect switch (similar to Figure #1 below) feeding a…

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Ultrasound Case Study on a 13800/4160V Plant Main Substation

Challenge: A power outage caused by a ground fault in a 13800/4160 volt plant main substation.  The outage was caused by a main substation tripping on ground fault but the issue was what caused this. Solution: Initially both an infrared…

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Improving Machine Availability in Cranes at Panama Ports

Challenge: Panama Ports Company administers two ports in the Panama Canal.  Their mission is to become a leading port in the Americas for services and logistics.   As part of the goal leading towards system-wide efficiencies there was a need to…

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