Comprehensive analytics and reporting

The DMS is a data management system that supports all Ultraprobe applications, from Bearings, Leaks, and Valves to Steam and Electrical inspections. DMS helps you store and organize records and provides comprehensive reports, alarms, and graphs.

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Leak Survey SideKick App
Leak Survey SideKick App
Track, prioritize and calculate costs of leaks

The Leak Survey Sidekick App is an easy-to-use tracking and monitoring application designed for digital Ultraprobes. Use the dashboard to visually track air leaks and share the cost savings associated with repair.

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Accurately diagnose electrical or mechanical faults

Use Spectralyzer to analyze sounds to diagnose electrical faults or problems with bearings, even at slow speeds. The software can also analyze the type of fault in the bearing.

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Steam Trap app
Steam Trap app
Instantly calculate costs of steam loss

Created for use with all Ultraprobes, the Steam Trap app lets you easily create extensive reports, from estimating steam loss to calculating the cost per steam trap. Create reports from your phone and include steam trap location photos.

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Generate inspection routes on your phone

Easily set-up your bearing routes using your mobile device to organize routes for data collection. RouteBuilder automatically connects with DMS software and can be used on either iOS or Android mobile devices.

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