3 Reasons You Need to Consider Investing More in Training
One of the sayings that we hear a lot is “practice makes perfect.” If you just rolled your eyes, so did I, but not because I don’t agree with the statement – the statement is actually true. I roll my eyes because when I hear someone say this, it’s usually an indication that it’s time for me to get to work and put more effort into whatever it is that I am doing. If you’re anything like me, sometimes you would like to just have all the answers without working for them.
That’s not how life works, but instead, it’s been proven over and over again how beneficial it is to adequately prepare and practice your craft. This message is the same when we are talking about ultrasound. There is a lot of information in the world of ultrasound, but it doesn’t have a lot of value if you don’t know what to do with all of it. Have you or your employees been trained to properly use the equipment, accurately collect and analyze the data, or implement standard practices in your facility? If not, and even if so, here are a few reasons why it’s going to be hugely beneficial for the efficiency and financial stability of your facility’s future.
1. Taking the Time to Properly Learn the Equipment
This is one that resonates with me because I am more of a “figure it out as you go” type of person, but when it comes to ultrasound, this is the last approach you should take. There is a lot that can and will go wrong if you don’t have the right practices in place, so taking the time for an ultrasonic equipment course will prove wonders down the road. In order to get the full benefits of the equipment, it’s important that you get comfortable and know the ins and outs with it. For example, how can you accurately and reliably check for dB levels around your facility if you are just “winging it?” Ensuring you and your employees get the proper training will give them the advantage of taking a step back, slowing down, and learning the equipment thoroughly so you can have more confidence in internal inspection practices.
2. Software Training Should Be Your Best Friend
Training does not end after the equipment. In fact, I would argue the opposite. The equipment is the easiest part to learn, but the software is where most of the value is. It’s true that nobody really enjoys learning a new application or program at first but getting familiar with available DMS software will set up the perfect foundation in creating consistent, accurate inspection procedures. Surprisingly, there is a lot more that can be done inside these DMS software programs than what people take advantage of, meaning a lot of people aren’t even aware of its full potential – such as recording routes, taking pictures, creating trend charts, setting alarm levels, and much more. Taking the time to properly play around and learn in your DMS software will open all kinds of doors that you may not have even known existed.
3. It’s Never Too Late to Get Proper Training
Anyone can sign up for equipment and software training. It doesn’t matter if you have been in the industry for 1 year, 3 years, or 40 years, there is always something new to learn that you might not have been aware of previously that can help you. Things change all the time, and that stays true in the ultrasound world. What has been working for you for the last 10-15 years might be great, but there’s also a good chance that if you have been using the same process for that long, you have fallen behind the ball. Taking the time to get you and your staff proper and up-to-date training will ensure that you’re staying with the times and taking full advantage of what these tools can do for your company annually.
In conclusion, I think we can all agree that it is better to take the initial time up front to practice and learn how to do the process correctly than it is to skip the process, carve your own path, and hope for the best. Technology is constantly improving, so you should always try to stay in the loop on what is being made available to take into consideration. I know for a fact that there are several facilities out there who have good practices and procedures implemented, but I also know that these facilities could have even better practices and procedures present, and that starts with proper training.