By the time most technologies pick up evidence of faults and cracks, it’s too late. Instead of waiting for bearings to deteriorate, ultrasound finds faults that aren’t yet visible to the human eye.
The earliest stages of problematic issues show up as changes in frequency. When you know exactly what’s going on behind the scenes, you can address problems before they escalate.

Ultrasound is widely considered the easiest technology to learn, implement, and use. Simply point and listen.

With a single device, you can handle all your plant’s needs, from bearing lubrication and electrical equipment inspection to detecting air leaks.

No more getting caught by surprise; ultrasound’s advance warning gives you ample time to order parts, plan downtime, and allocate labor.
Still doing maintenance the old way? You’re taking a risk.
Other asset condition monitoring technologies only come into play during more severe stages of deterioration. Ultrasound, by contrast, shows you what’s wrong at the very first stage.
Easily inspect valves and find leaks in gas, steam or hydraulic systems. Learn more
How Ultrasound Works?
Ultrasound refers to sound pressure waves with a frequency of 20 kHz or more. These sound waves are beyond human hearing and can only be detected with ultrasound technology.
Inspectors use ultrasound technology to listen for the earliest symptoms of asset failure. UE instruments sense frequencies 20 kHz - 100 kHz and display them on a display panel for the inspectors to read. Deviations from the baseline indicate a need for corrective action, giving you time to stop the problem before you experience catastrophic failure or unplanned downtime.
Simple: just point the ultrasound device toward your assets and read the display. Ultrasound measures friction, impact and turbulence. These three basic principles can be applied to various types of equipment, from determining conditional lubrication to performing electrical and mechanical inspections.
When components begin to fail, ultrasound technology helps you detect any changes in their sonic signature so you know about bearing failures before it’s too late. Ultrasound technology also helps with condition-based lubrication programs, ensuring that parts receive only as much grease as needed.
Yes. Ultrasound electrical inspections can be performed on all voltages: low, medium and high.
Yes. Ultrasound is much safer for inspectors because they can identify electrical anomalies such as arcing, tracking and corona just by scanning the door seams and air vents. Now inspectors can detect the presence of arcing, tracking or corona without risking their personal safety.